Skill - Rogue

Nimble Body Passive Master: 20
Increases accuracy and avoidability.
01Accuracy +1, Avoidability +1 11Accuracy +11, Avoidability +11
10Accuracy +10, Avoidability +10 20Accuracy +20, Avoidability +20

Keen Eyes Passive Master: 8
Increases the range of attack using throwing weapons. Pre-requisite: Nimble Body Lv. 3
01Range of attack +25 05Range of attack +125
04Range of attack +100 08Range of attack +200

Disorder Supportive Master: 20
Temporarily decreases enemy's weapon attack and weapon defense. Attacking enemy will suddenly stop attacking.
01MP -5; Enemy's Att. & Def. -1 for 3s. 11MP -10; Enemy's Att. & Def. -11 for 33s
10MP -5; Enemy's Att. & Def. -10 for 30s. 20MP -10; Enemy's Att. & Def. -20 for 60s.

Dark Sight Supportive Master:20
Use MP to hide temporarily. While hiding, the enemy won't attack, but you can't attack back either. Pre-requisite: Disorder
Lv. 3
01MP -24; Disappear for 10s, speed -30 11MP -14; Disappear for 110s, speed -9
10MP -15; Disappear for 100s, speed -10 20MP -5; Disappear for 200s, speed -0

Double Stab Active Master: 20
Use MP to quickly stab an enemy twice using a dagger.
01MP -7; Damage 35% 11MP -14; Damage 86%
10MP -7; Damage 80% 20MP -14; Damage 130%

Lucky Seven Active Master: 20
Use MP to throw 2 stars and apply damage based on LUK, regardless of mastery
01MP -8; Damage 55% 11MP -16; Damage 105%
10MP -8; Damage 100% 20MP -16; Damage 150%