Items - Mineral - Ores

MINERAL Ore Refined JEWEL Ore Refined CRYSTAL Ore Refined

The Ore of Adamantium Value: 600 - 800 meso
Dropped by: Stump, Octopus, Wild Boar, Jr. Wraith, Jr. Pepe, Iron Hog, Dark Nependeath, Clang, Taurospear, Lycanthrope, Dark Yeti & Pepe

The Ore of Bronze Value: 1,000 - 2,000 meso
Dropped by: Snail, Orange Mushroom, Horned Mushroom, Jr. Sentinel, Dark Leatty, Nependeath, Croco, Yeti, Coolie Zombie

The Ore of Gold Value: 5,000 - 20,000 meso
Dropped by: Pig, Blue Mushroom, Cold Eye, Drake, Jr. Yeti (Transformed), Luster Pixie, Malady, Wild Cargo, Dark Yeti, Tauromacis

The Ore of Mithril Value: 600 - 800 meso
Dropped by: Shroom, Ribbon Pig, Bubbling, Jr. Necki, Zombie Mushroom, Fierry, Ice Sentinel, Sentinel, Ligator, Jr. Lioner, Umti, Jr. Yeti, Lioner, Dark Jr. Yeti (Transformed)

The Ore of Orihalcon Value: 500 - 1,000 meso
Dropped by: Slime, Green Mushroom, Axe Stump, Fierry, Fire Sentinel, Curse Eye, Lorang, Zombie Lupin, Flyeye, Cellion, Red Drake, Yeti & Pepe

The Ore of Silver Value: 500 - 1,000 meso
Dropped by: Red Snail, Blue Snail, Green Mushroom, Evil Eye, Fierry, Lunar Pixie, Dark Pepe, Cerebes, Lucida

The Ore of Steel Value: 1,000 - 2,500 meso
Dropped by: Blue Snail, Dark Stump, Dark Axe Stump, Stirge, Fire Boar, Leatty, Jr. Grupin, Star Pixie, Jr. Boogie, Cold Eye, Jr. Bulldog, Wraith, Firebomb, Grupin, Hector, Minor Zombie, Pepe, Yeti & Pepe, Lycanthrope, Dark Yeti & Pepe