Map - Ellinia

It's a forest full of mystical trees endlessly growing, literally kissing the sky.

Field South of Ellinia Field Up North of Ellinia Marr's Forest Field South of Ellinia
Field Up North of Ellinia
Hines: Job change for Magician
Sixtopia Station: To Ossyria
VIP Taxi (To Ant Tunnel Park)
Weapon & Armor Shop
Potion Shop
Regular Taxi
Marr's Forest
Teleport Points

Shane: Quest Quest - Sabitrama And The Diet Medicine and Sabitrama's Anti-Aging Medicine
Francois: Creates/upgrade wands, staffs, armours for the magician
Arwen: Quest - Arwen And The Glass Shoes
Rowen: Quest - Jack Schwetty's Secret Book and Rowen The Fairy And The Cursed Dolls
Mr Park (Storge)