Guide - Crossbow Man

For Hunter & Crossbow Man, the issue is whether to build Final Attack skill. Final Attack does not work with 3rd Job Skill and slows down the attacking speed. However, because of the additional damage of Final Attack, you may level up faster and save more money. The build below is without Final Attack. You may compare it with Final Attack Guide.

Level Ability Crossbow Mastery Final Attack Crossbow Booster Power Knock-Back Soul Arrow Iron Arrow Focus Blessing of Amazon
303013244      +1103
31+1+4   +3       
32+1+4   +3       
33+1+4   +3       
34+1+4   +3       
35+1+4   +3       
36+1+4   +3       
37+1+4   +1 +2     
Sum3716044 19 2  1103
38+1+4     +3     
39+1+4     +1 +2   
40+1+4        +3  
41+1+4        +3  
42+1+4        +3  
43+1+4        +3  
44+1+4        +2 Save 1  
45+1+4        Save 3  
46+1+4        Save 3  
47+1+4        Save 3  
48+1+4        +13  
49+1+4      +1 +2  
Sum4920844 19 61230 Max103
Level Ability Crossbow Mastery Final Attack Crossbow Booster Power Knock-Back Soul Arrow Iron Arrow Focus Blessing of Amazon
50+1+4      +3    
51+1+4      +3    
52+1+4      +3    
53+1+4      +3    
54+1+4      +3    
55+1+4      +3    
56+1+4      +1  +2 
Sum5623644 19 620 Max230 Max123
57+1+4         +3 
58+1+4         +3 
59+1+4         +2+1
60+1+4          +3
61+1+4          +3
62+1+4          +3
63+1+4          +3
64+1+4   +1 +2     
Sum6426844 20 Max 820 Max230 Max20 Max16 Max
65+1+4     +2 +1   
66+1+4     +2 +1   
67+1+4     +2 +1   
68+1+4     +2 +1   
69+1+4     +2 +1   
70+1+4     +2 +1   
Sum7029244 20 Max 20 Max20 Max830 Max20 Max16 Max
Level STR DEX INT LUK Crossbow Mastery Final Attack Crossbow Booster Power Knock-Back Soul Arrow Iron Arrow Focus Blessing of Amazon